As a part of the overall feature and functionality updates to the Ascend Platform, we’ve released a number of improvements and features.
- Add support for custom docker image in Pyspark and Scala Transforms
- Bump SDK version to 0.2.13 for custom docker image support
- Improve Salesforce Connector ability to load larger tables
- Allow specifying a start date for backfills for the Salesforce Connector
- Allow specifying historical backfills through smaller partitions
- Add new record as json and disable schema verification for Salesforce raw data
- Allow user to set a different Salesforce api version
- Pin sqlalchemy version in pyspark image to < 1.4.0 to avoid issues with the “Great Expectations” python library
- Don’t automatically detect and flatten nested JSON in Legacy Read Connectors
- “Snapshot” pulling method for JDBC sources
- Skip deletion for multi-dataservice credentials on SDK data service apply
- Better error message for nested subquery without alias
- Google Sheets: Add support for header row as column name
- Google Sheets: Add support for range parameter
- Google Sheets: Handle trailing empty cell
- Add download/apply functionality for individual components in SDK
- Add support for spaces in column names for Database Connections
- Salesforce: Improve Salesforce read performance
- Salesforce: Add support to parallelize Salesforce reads
- Add AD password auth support for MS SQL server
- Create playbook for image registry outage and simplify steps for fast failover
- Fix a visual bug where some checkboxes would appear in ‘view only’ mode instead of ‘edit’ mode
- Fix a bug where partition tab display incorrectly for running and error partitions
- Fix flashing in/out reloads of Data Feed records tab
If you need support, have questions, or would like to get started on the platform, schedule time here!